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What is a Credit Bureau?
What are Credit Bureaus and what are their value to you? A Credit Bureau hosts your credit report which is a record of your credit activities. It lists any accounts or loans you may have, the balances, and how regularly you make your payments. It also shows if any action has been taken against you because of unpaid accounts. The credit Bureaus will have an effect on their applications for a job or getting any types of credit or insurance.
Credit Bureaus provide you with an instant look at your credit report from TransUnion, Experian, VCCB and XDS in an easy comparative view. Get your credit report now or get one of our agents to call you now and get your 4 Bureau Credit Report comparative report.
Everyone needs to monitor their own credit reputation. It can be hard at times because some people don’t know where to get their information to help build their credit status. We have made managing and building your credit status easier than ever before. Get our friendly agents to call you and get connected to the best web tools and tips. You can even access your credit report on your mobile phone. There are many places online that will give people the services that they need for their credit, but nothing like ours. You just need to have the right company building your credit score and online in real time.
One of our missions at Credit Bureaus South Africa is to make sure that all South Africans have the chance to build their credit status so that they may start to understand the importance of Credit Health. Healthy Credit leads to getting car loans, better job opportunities and much more. Employers will look at your Credit History when considering a job application. A Credit Report will also show any judgments or defaults. It is important that you know about what is on your record before you attempt to get a loan or anything else for that matter.
How do you prevent Credit and Identity Theft? The answer is simple: Monitor your Credit Report and Credit Scores on a monthly basis. Act now and get your Credit Report directly from our website. You can then have the opportunity to check your South African Credit Bureau Report on a monthly basis and learn how to build your credit reputation.
If you think that something has been misreported by a Credit Bureau on your report; this is most likely affecting your Credit Score. There are steps that you can take to dispute and inform the agencies such as TransUnion, XDS or Experian to take inaccurate information off of your South Africa Credit Bureau Report. If you have any questions or need consultation along the way please feel free to contact us. We have specialists standing by to help evaluate your situation.